
There are few things that you can expect on Sundays here at City Point Church to help ensure the health and safety of everyone. First, if you or any member of your household are feeling sick we ask that you please stay home and worship with us online. Second, when you attend City Point Church in person we have a few guidelines for you.

  1. In accordance with Gov. Evers mandate we encourage everyone to wear a mask for in person services. We recognize that there are those who are unable to wear the masks and you are welcome to attend City Point Church.

  2. Please maintain social distance from other while attending City Point Church. Refrain from hugs, handshakes and high fives for the time being. We have our seating spaced out to assist with social distancing.

  3. Feel free to make use of the masks and hand sanitizer that are available at the doors and throughout the facilities.


Each week here at City Point Church we make it a point to sanitize heavily trafficked areas such as Kids Ministry areas, door knobs, railings and pens.

For the time being there will be no handouts at the doors here at City Point Church. We do receive communion together each week and you will find individually wrapped communion packages at the doors as you enter as well as in the seat backs in front of you at City Point Church.

City Kids

When kids are checked in to Nursery, preschool or City Kids Church they will have their temperature taken and logged for that day. Parents, on the first time you check in your kids to City Kids you will be asked to sign a covid-19 release form. All of our volunteers will wear a mask while serving in City Kids Ministry. We request that all kids wear a mask unless they have a medical release from a doctor. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.