Pastor Chris continues his series about who Jesus is. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are sheep… yes sheep. Yet, if we acknowledge our need for him he will lead us by his side to full life.
Guest Speaker: Pastor Gayland Hendrickson
Easter 2021
The Gospel according to Luke pt 4
It is Good to be in the presence of Jesus where we experience the Glory of God and Receive Revelation of who Jesus Really is!
The Gospel according to Luke pt 3
The Gospel according to Luke: Who Then, Is This Jesus
The Gospel according to Luke: Kingdom Mission
The Book Of Luke: "What is taking so Long?"
Love is pt 3
Love Is pt 2
Love is communicated strongest through actions. Pastor Chris speaks about John 3:16, and how Jesus taught us to love through what he did.
Love Is pt 1
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting part 4
A prayer of faith expects response from God. Be still. Be Willing. Be Ready.
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting part 3
Pastor Chris continues his series on the Daniel fast. Prayer and fasting opens door God's favor, leads us into God's plan and empowers us to face opposition.
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting part 2
Pastor Chris continues to lead us in prayer and fasting, as we communally participate in the Daniel Fast. As we disconnect from our will we strengthen our connection with God’s will.
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Daniel's Fast
Pastor Chris kicks off our 21 Days of Prayer and fasting by talking about Daniel’s Fast.
King of Kings & Lord of Lords
Dan Resheske shares a message about Jesus as king who reigns in our lives.
Christmas Playlist Pt. 3
Pastor Chris wraps up his great series, Christmas Playlist. Declaring Jesus as our source of joy and the amazing fulfillment of an improbable amount of biblical prophecies.
Christmas Playlist Pt. 2
Listen in as Pastor Chris continues with Part 2 of his Christmas Playlist series!
Christmas Playlist Pt. 1
Tune in for Pastor Chris’ first message in his “Christmas Playlist” series!
Attitude of Gratitude Pt 3
Listen in to Pastor Chris’ third message in his series “Attitude of Gratitude!”