Pastor Chris reminds us that every person must decide for themselves how they will respond to the work of Jesus. Luke 11 shows us that some will criticize or condemn, some will ask for more evidence, but some will hear and receive.
Teach Us To Pray pt 3
Teach us to Pray pt 2
Teach us to Pray pt1
Pastor Chris talks to us about the when Jesus taught, and showed his disciples how to pray. May we approach Jesus with hunger and expectation, then apply Jesus teachings to our life.
In Between
All In, Community
The depth of Christ-Centered Community we experience directly impacts the spiritual growth in our lives.
All In
Pastor Chris walks us through the story of Johnathon and his armor bearer. God calls us to be all in. Jesus calls us to take courage, Jesus requires sacrifice and Jesus leads us to victory.
A church that is bound together in Unity by the Holy Spirit is a strong church.
Luke pt 45
Pastor Chris tells the story of Mary and Martha. Authentic faith experiences God’s presence and serves God diligently.
Gospel of Luke pt 44
Luke 10:1-4
God has called every follower of Christ to be a part of the mission in the harvest field!
A Mission of Reconciliation
Pastor Chris walks us through chapter nine of the book of Luke. Reminding us that the mission of Jesus makes reconciliation available to all people in all places.
Greatness in God's Kingdom
Pastor Chris reminds us that greatness in the Kingdom of God requires sacrifice, humility and teamwork.
Grace Alone
Pastor Grayland walks us through Acts 15 and the power of grace to save.
Father's Day 2021
We intercede for the world before Christ as Christ intercedes for us before God.
Holy Spirit pt3
The Holy Spirit Lives in us and transforms us into Children of God!
Holy Spirit pt2
Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday! Pastor Chris opens up Acts chapter 4 and reminds us of the power of the Holy Spirit to empower the church and influence the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
True North pt4
Pastor Chris continues his series about who Jesus said he was. Jesus is the true vine.
True North pt3
Pastor Chris talks about who Jesus said that he was. He is the light of the world, that casts out all darkness. Jesus is the true light of light.